Adopting and Training a Dog: Part 3
Previous Notes:
Related Notes:
I built Clark's vocabulary in a step-wise fashion, and over time. It is a journey that continues even today more than seven years after adopting him.
As I had mentioned in my earlier note, I had no formal plan to train Clark. Clark learned the initial set quite fast. So I added some more words. He kept learning. So I kept adding more. His learning appetite continues to date. And now it has become more fun and far easy to train him.
For every new word, I followed the same process outlined in my earlier note. I used a combination of hand signals, voice, and facial expressions. I did the action first to show him. And I kept eye contact with Clark throughout. And after every correct action by Clark, I clapped. This way Clark came to associate the clapping sound as something good. When we were around family and friends, they would clap too. Like humans, dogs also like praise. This makes the dog behave well in public. And it eliminates the need for constant training treats which add up calories.
Two things amaze many people about Clark. His completion of a half-marathon. And his ability to walk with ease over a fence. I will write about these and some more hacks in a future note.
These words are what I can recall as I write this note. If Clark could proofread this note, he would add the missing words. Hope this helps you in creating your own doggie training experiences.
Related Notes:
I built Clark's vocabulary in a step-wise fashion, and over time. It is a journey that continues even today more than seven years after adopting him.
As I had mentioned in my earlier note, I had no formal plan to train Clark. Clark learned the initial set quite fast. So I added some more words. He kept learning. So I kept adding more. His learning appetite continues to date. And now it has become more fun and far easy to train him.
- Starter Set:
- The goal was simple. Don't mess up the home. And learn basic civic manners.
- Walking and Hiking: Out.
- Behavior: Sit. Down. Up. No.
- Food: Eat. Treat.
- Business: Pee-Pee. Poo-Poo.
- The goal was simple. Don't mess up the home. And learn basic civic manners.
- Second Set:
- This is where the bulk of his training hours went.
- Walking and Hiking: Come. Stay. Walk. Run. Jump (for crossing small ditches and narrow streams). This-Side (walk together on one side).
- Distinguish:
- Type: Good. Bad.
- Size: Big. Small.
- Characters: Doggie. Girl. Boy. Baby. Human. Friend. Daddy. Mommy. Grandpa. Grandma. Family.
- Play: Toy. Fetch. Leave. Paw. Pull. Push. Open. Scratchie. Whiskers. Lovey-Dovey (he rolls over on his back for a chest rub). Hip-Push.
- Gear: Leash. Shoes (mine; not doggie shoes). Sweater.
- Outdoors: Car. Park. Beach. Restaurant. Remember. Look. Sniff-Sniff.
- Weather: Rain. Windy. Hot. Cold. Light.
- Rest: Sleep. Good-Morning. Good-Night. In-Blanket. Out-Blanket. Carpet. Bed. Sofa. Pillow.
- Food: Drinkie. Meat. Kibble. Crunchy. Yum-Yum (Cheese, Paneer, Milk, Yogurt). More. Tummy. Full. Finish. Burp.
- Behavior: Love. Manners. Brrr.
- Protection: Who's-There. Protect. Home. Stranger. Animal. Attack.
- Sickness: Unwell. Vomit. Floor. It's-Okay.
- Grooming: Shower. Shake-Shake. Crazy.
- This is where the bulk of his training hours went.
- Latest Set:
- Recent additions to Clark's vocabulary.
- Walking and Hiking: Turn. Follow. Panting. Tired.
- Food: Fishie.
- Outdoors: Snow. Listen.
- Business: Do-Something (Asking him if he wants me to stop walking for doing his business).
- Recent additions to Clark's vocabulary.
For every new word, I followed the same process outlined in my earlier note. I used a combination of hand signals, voice, and facial expressions. I did the action first to show him. And I kept eye contact with Clark throughout. And after every correct action by Clark, I clapped. This way Clark came to associate the clapping sound as something good. When we were around family and friends, they would clap too. Like humans, dogs also like praise. This makes the dog behave well in public. And it eliminates the need for constant training treats which add up calories.
Two things amaze many people about Clark. His completion of a half-marathon. And his ability to walk with ease over a fence. I will write about these and some more hacks in a future note.
These words are what I can recall as I write this note. If Clark could proofread this note, he would add the missing words. Hope this helps you in creating your own doggie training experiences.
Let's Talk: If you have a true experience that resonates, please send me an email.
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