Outdoors and Monetization: Part 1
Outdoors and Monetization: Part 1
My wife, dog (Clark), and I went for dispersed camping this past weekend. As I sat there, my mind wandered in all directions connected to the outdoors. Where do we live, work and play? In concrete and wooden structures. The built environment is a tiny percentage of the outdoors. And most of the outdoors is public land. Yet we make little use of it.
Many people desire to experience outdoors, but small hitches stop them. Be it starting camping, backpacking, fishing, hunting, or foraging. Or something like even gardening. All the information available on the internet doesn't always translate into action.
Imagine a world of startups enabling the human-outdoor connection. They can be a bridge between our desire and inertia to experience the outdoors. Startups can offer "outdoors-as-a-service". And monetize a massive untapped industry.
Let us look at some possible services from the past weekend's outdoor experience. We had gone for dispersed camping on land owned by the Bureau of Land Management. It was a reasonable two and half hour drive from the San Francisco Bay Area. It was almost a desert with sparse dry shrubs over rolling hills. One could create a service (startup) around each of these experiences:
These are a small subset of what is possible on public lands. Our land. We need to use it to appreciate it. I am super passionate about the outdoors and public lands. So expect more on this in the upcoming notes. Till then, let the wild be the wild!
Many people desire to experience outdoors, but small hitches stop them. Be it starting camping, backpacking, fishing, hunting, or foraging. Or something like even gardening. All the information available on the internet doesn't always translate into action.
Imagine a world of startups enabling the human-outdoor connection. They can be a bridge between our desire and inertia to experience the outdoors. Startups can offer "outdoors-as-a-service". And monetize a massive untapped industry.
Let us look at some possible services from the past weekend's outdoor experience. We had gone for dispersed camping on land owned by the Bureau of Land Management. It was a reasonable two and half hour drive from the San Francisco Bay Area. It was almost a desert with sparse dry shrubs over rolling hills. One could create a service (startup) around each of these experiences:
- Dispersed Camping: Many of my friends would love to experience primitive camping. But they want to go with someone who has done it before. It is very primal and excites many people.
- Physical Labor: Great way to teach kids the value of working with hands and use body muscles. Collecting firewood. Digging the ground for sanitation needs. Creating a fire pit.
- Outdoor Sports: Dirt road was harsh on car tires. But it was perfect for mountain biking. And there were hundreds of acres of land for hiking and exploration.
- Stargazing: My wife and I were discussing that light pollution doesn't sink in till we get away from light. Nature is the best observatory.
- Outdoor Photography: Pretty sure that smartphones reduced the need for entry-level cameras. Sharing photos and short videos are a standard during our weekly family conversations. Even the simple phone calls have "rich" multimedia nowadays.
- Wildlife Experience: When you are in the wild, there are interactions with wildlife. It may be a little spooky for first-timers to hear coyotes howling all night. But there is something surreal and adventurous about the sounds of nature. Be it the sound of a flowing river, crashing waves, or other wildlife sounds.
- Hunting: The desire to have natural meat has led to a whole new set of first-time hunters. And women make up the fastest-growing segment. One could even experience the whole process by being passive if there is no desire to hunt.
- Life Events: Imagine the possibilities. From getting married on top of a hill to small startup events, public lands are perfect. Beauty with no distractions.
These are a small subset of what is possible on public lands. Our land. We need to use it to appreciate it. I am super passionate about the outdoors and public lands. So expect more on this in the upcoming notes. Till then, let the wild be the wild!
Let's Talk: If you have a true experience that resonates, please send me an email.
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